Dates Time and Ice Cream

No matter what language I study, I always hate learning dates and times. I do not know why, it just annoys me. Unfortunately, every time I must learn a new language I have to go through the same routine.

¨today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, at what time, at nine o´clock, at seven o´clock, two hours ago, in two hours, this evening, days of the week, days of the month, months¨  etc..etc...etc....

then we have these fun ones...¨the train is one hour early, one hour late, on time, the bus is always on time, the bus is usually on time, the bus left thirty minutes ago, the bus will leave in forty five minutes.

It annoys me!¨ How boring and redundant! I wish I could just learn that stuff and be done with it already.

Anyway, times and dates is not something we can just skip in language learning. It is important. So I have to suck it up, and learn it. In Swedish I had to write some simple sentences using the days of the week. In the sentences below I am practicing two things. The first, is the days of the week in Swedish. The second thing I am practicing, is that pronouns must be placed after the verb. Anytime we are talking about dates and times, first goes the verb, then the pronoun.

måndag sover katten i sovrummet.
tisdag äter du maten i köket.
onsdag kör hon bil.
torsdag packer hon resväskan.
fredag leker ni med katten.
lördag simmer han lite i poolen.
söndag springer du på stranden.

I find that sometimes, in doing these types of boring lessons it is good to be creative. Below, I wrote seven sentences in Swedish. In each one, I wrote the kind of ice cream I would like to have on each day of the week. Then, I linked five recipes from Swedish cooking websites. All you have to do is click on the ice cream flavor and you will be linked to a Swedish ice cream website. I thought it would be a cute little twist.

På måndag äter jag vaniljglass.
På tisdag äter jag chokladglass.
På onsdag äter jag jordgubbsglass.
På torsdag äter jag hallonglass.
På fredag äter jag blåbärsglass.
På lördag äter jag körsbärsglass.
På söndag äter jag vaniljchokladglass och bananchokladglass.

( hallon - raspberry) ( jordgubbar - strawberry)

This was a fun little exercise for me. In addition to improving my Swedish grammar, I also got to serf the internet and read some cute Swedish websites. In the next few weeks, I will be looking carefully at this Swedish Recipe Site. The link is provided below.
Recepten SE

When I start working on any language learning project, I have the habit of wandering off. This blog started with me complaining about how I do not like learning dates, times, hours, etc..etc... Then I sentences talking about ice cream. Then I linked Swedish ice cream recipe sites. Well then ... I found a Swedish Youtube video showing us how to make chocolate ice cream.

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