Mandarin Chinese Progress January 2013

I have been following the input based learning system for Mandarin Chinese, and it is going along smoothly. All this time, not once have I picked up a single pen or piece of paper. Everything I have been learning in Chinese has been one hundred percent audio lessons.

Yesterday I listened to Chinese on the bus, the subway, and walking. When I started getting bored, I switched over to Spanish vocabulary. On my way home, I went back to Mandarin. Living Language lessons are different in that they go over sentences, nuts and bolts, then the sentences again with English translation. I have been slowly moving up in my Chinese abilities. I am understanding basic sentences, basic greetings, and able to recognize Chinese words in new sentences.

As I listen over and over to the tones of the language, they are slowly growing on me. I read that Chinese tones are one of the more difficult things for anglophones to acquire. I do not know how I have acquired them yet because I am still in the listening phase.

So the progress is going along slowly, but consistently. I am wondering when I should start practicing the writing system?

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