Are Bilinguals and Polyglots More Intelligent?

Intelligence and Bilingualism
This is a big topic. I know that the monolingual (Americans and Brits) are going to take offense to this. But there is significant evidence that people who are bilingual and polyglots are more intelligent than monolinguals. 

The research indicates that this difference is not genetic. ( Bilinguals and Polyglots are not born smarter.)  

Remember that IQ is both genetic and environmental. One can be born with great smart genes...yet little drive to improve oneself in this world. How much will they really amount to? Although I do not personally subscribe to the believe that all bilinguals are smarter than monolinguals, I do think that on average, they are smarter.

The choice to be bilingual is a life changing choice. It is a choice that will make you a smarter person. I have made it one of my life goals to encourage and support others who want to become polyglots. This blog entry, however, asks that age old question - are bilinguals and polyglots smarter than monolinguals? Anytime we talk about intelligence, feelings get hurt, so I will look at this question with as much grace as I can. 

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