Get Ready to Explore the Science of Ice Ages!

ice age curriculum, ice ages, climate change curriculum, informational climate change text

Are you looking for a way to get your students excited about the science of ice ages? Look no further! Our curriculum for middle and high school students offers six pages of condensed informational text, note pages, and activities to get them engaged with this fascinating topic.

ice age curriculum, ice ages, climate change curriculum, informational climate change text

Students will learn about the marine isotope stages that tell us how cold the ocean waters were in the past. They will be able to predict how temperatures would have oscillated 1,280,000 - 2,580,000 million years ago by studying 16O and 18O, two isotopes of oxygen that have different atomic masses. Students will also explore Milutin Milankovic's theory, which explains how the ice age starts and stops. This is an amazing opportunity for them to gain a deeper understanding of the science behind ice ages and to develop critical thinking skills. So what are you waiting for? Get ready to explore the science of ice ages with our exciting curriculum!

ice age curriculum, ice ages, climate change curriculum, informational climate change text

Are you looking for a way to teach middle and high school science students about ice ages and climate change? Our two pages of condensed and accurate informational climate science reading material is perfect for middle and high school science classes. This material covers the climatic weather patterns called The Oldest Dryas and Younger Dryas periods of the Pleistocene epoch. During these periods, there was an abrupt cooling that occurred during the last glacial period. We include a notes page and answer questions that students can submit to their teacher. Students learn about what causes climate changes over eons, eras, and periods. They also understand the astronomical changes involving our sun, planets, Earth's orbit, and our planet's tilt, how the sun and heat reflection all contribute to climate change. This material will give your students a better understanding of the science behind climate change and the ice ages. Invest in this curriculum today and help your students better understand the world around them!

Visit Anthropologist In Heels to view new science curriculum for your students. 





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