What an eloquent speaker. You can connect with David on these links:
http://www.davidmansaray.com http://www.facebook.com/davidmansaray
Welcome! Everything teachers need to teach evolution, culture, language and archeology to middle and high school students.
Early Language Learning - Should you expose your kids to several language early on?
Early language learning, the brain and the mind.
Language learning enthusiasts have always known that children, particularly those under the age of six, learn language more rapidly than adults. Children have an amazing ability to remember and reproduce the phonemes ( basic sound units ) of any language. It might seem like we are putting a lot on their little shoulders, but so long as it is fun and the children are not being forced into doing something that they do not want to do, I do not see the problem. You will not hinder their language development in any way by exposing them to foreign languages.
Whether or not you should expose your children to two or more languages is entirely a personal matter. Personally, I think it is a sign of good parenting to regularly expose your children to two or more languages. But that is just me. Some parents, particularly anglo-centric Americans who can only speak English are down on language learning. ( I think they are jealous of us :-)
Loki2504 Talks about learning Turkish
loki2504 () D'après moi, tu devrais choisir la langue qui t'intéresse le plus culturellement parlant ! Genre, moi j'ai choisi le turc parce que j'ai beaucoup d'amis turcs et que j'adore la culture turque =) Soit tu continues avec le turc pour l'améliorer soit tu choisis quelque chose du style mais qui te plaît particulièrement ! Je peux pas vraiment choisir à ta place, parce que c'est toi qui devra être motivé pour l'apprendre =) Moi je te conseille de choisir une langue que tu pourras utiliser "sur le terrain" (qui n'est pas l'espagnol bien-sûr hahaha ) Bonne chance et mutlu yıllar !!! |
Loki2504, is one of the most impressive polyglots I have seen so far. He has 4,400 YouTube subscribers and counting. Like fantasticidiomas, he is also learning Turkish. One of the things I like about Loki's videos, is that he shows us unique was of integrating technology with language learning. He made a video once showing us how to import language media into our Ipod. His videos really get into the nuts and bolts of media, books, content, and phonetics.
Thanks for all of your work Loki2504. You are an inspiration to language lovers everywhere.
Please enjoy a recent video by Loki2504.
More Turkish links you might like if you are studying Turkish
Turkish - Different From Other Languages
FantasticIdiomas - Thank You For This Contribution. Check out his website
Do not forget to read my Turkish Introduction HERE.
Do not forget to read my Turkish Introduction HERE.
Turkish being from a completely different language group from English definitely makes it a challenge for anyone with an Indo-European background to learn. I got a few Turkish textbooks, all of which are in Turkish, so I have to plug in lots of words into the dictionary to understand all of what is being said, the textbooks "Yeni Hitit" , "Adam Adam Türkçe" and "Türkçe Öğreniyoruz" which is a book of dialogs, and vocabulary lists. The language consists of Arabic, Persian, French and ever since the Turkish Language Revolution, the native language is now made up of 86% of the total language. I usually will use two or three books in one day, make around 50 flash cards a day, the chapters in the main book I'm using called Yeni Hitit have dialogs, exercises with and without grammar, and reading passages all of which are in Turkish, it's pretty good for someone with a background in basic Turkish.
The teach yourself beginner's, and regular Turkish books aren't too bad, and colloquial Turkish is really good. Recently however, I started studying through songs, that way I could get a glimpse of people talking real time through music, popular language, music, and learn about the culture somewhat through music as well, it's a fantastic way of learning, not only does it improve your listening really fast, but if you learn the songs really well you can learn expressions, sing with the songs, which will make your speaking and confidence boost really high
. Turkish's grammar is very structure and regular, it is one of the most regular languages in the world according to linguists, not many irregular verbs, strange phenomenons, etc, but during the language revolution there was a lot of borrowing from old Turkish, and other Turkic languages, the particles, and when attached to other words, the meanings of them are really interesting, and new ones are still being made to this day! That's how I'm learning, probably one of the most interesting languages in the world, and that's why I'm learning.
Luca gives us some solid advice about learning several languages at once.
Language learning is a Marathon - not a RACE to the finish line. Or, as the Native American proverb would put it... It is a journey, not a destination. Well, it is a marathon to a destination. Enjoy!
1. Haste vs. Slow Consistency
2. Get the Core
3. Use Time wisely
Check Out his YouTube Channel and his Blog
1. Haste vs. Slow Consistency
2. Get the Core
3. Use Time wisely
La saponification à froid
As many of you may well know, I started a small business awhile back making soap, body scrubs and lotions. I work a little bit on my business everyday. With two little babies to take care of, I do not have much time for other activities.
In this blog, I am going to share with you some of my favorite foreign language websites pour ...
As many of you may well know, I started a small business awhile back making soap, body scrubs and lotions. I work a little bit on my business everyday. With two little babies to take care of, I do not have much time for other activities.
In this blog, I am going to share with you some of my favorite foreign language websites pour ...
La saponification à froid
La saponification à froid est la méthode la plus simple pour réaliser des savons artisanaux chez vous.
Elle nécessite un calcul précis de la quantité de soude nécessaire à la saponification. Le mélange huiles + soude (diluée) est réalisé à température ambiante.
La saponification est une réaction totale : elle continue jusqu'à épuisement de l'un des réactifs (huiles ou soude). Pour garantir qu'il n'y a plus de soude dans le savon fini, il faut qu'il y ait un excès d'huiles, c'est-à-dire qu'il n'y ait pas tout à fait assez de soude pour transformer toute l'huile en savon. La saponification s'arrêtera alors quand toute la soude sera consommée et il restera de l’huile non saponifiée dans le savon final. Le savon sera dit "surgras". Ce "surgraissage" va apporter une plus grande douceur et des propriétés nourrissantes et adoucissantes au savon.
La saponification est une réaction assez lente à température ambiante. En saponification à froid, le savon doit donc subir une « cure » (temps de séchage) d’au moins 4 semaines après fabrication, pour laisser à la saponification le temps de bien se terminer. La cure permet aussi de sécher le savon.
More Websites Here....
Czech ... Check Check Check
I know very little about this country, except for the fact that the Czech people are very good looking. The two languages are Czech and Slovak.
Here is a blurb about the current president of Czechoslovakia. It contains some basic background information about their president Václav Klaus. Klaus is a euro-sceptic which means he is critical of the EU. He opposes the process of European integration existing throughout the political spectrum based on the notion that integration weakens the national state. For those of you who do not know what is going on in Greece, the country seems to be run by a bunch of people who are neither responsible or economically competative. Who knows if there will be another bailout that will keep Greece from defaulting. Based on recent events, President Klaus may just be onto something.
Anyway, lets hop back over to Czech, a country clearly doing much better than Greece. Here is that blurb I promised you about their president.
Anyway, lets hop back over to Czech, a country clearly doing much better than Greece. Here is that blurb I promised you about their president.
Václav Klaus (* 19. června 1941 Praha) je druhý prezident České republiky. V minulosti působil jako bankovní úředník a prognostik, polistopadu 1989 se stal ministrem financí ČSSR ve vládách národního porozumění a později národní oběti působící v rámci ČSFR. Od roku1992 do roku 1998 zastával post předsedy vlády a od ledna až do února roku 1993 vykonával z titulu premiéra některé funkce prezidenta republiky.
V letech 1998–2002 byl předsedou Poslanecké sněmovny Parlamentu České republiky. Prezidentem České republiky je od roku 2003, v roce 2008 obhájil svůj mandát pro druhé volební období.
Život do roku 1989
Klausova rodina pochází ze západočeské obce Mileč.[1] V letech 1958–1963 studoval ekonomii zahraničního obchodování na Vysoké škole ekonomické v Praze. Při studiu se seznámil se svou pozdější manželkou Livií Mištinovou, která pochází z Oravy na Slovensku .
Po úspěšném absolvování studia dostal tzv. umístěnku do podniku zahraničního obchodu a nastoupil na základní vojenskou službu do sportovního oddílu Dukla Praha jako prvoligový basketbalista. V té době se také přihlásil do konkursu na místo v Ekonomickém ústavuČSAV a posléze místo získal. V ústavu se setkal také se západní ekonomickou literaturou, která jej ovlivnila v jeho myšlení. Absolvoval i dvě studijní stáže, v Itálii[kde?] (1966) a na Cornell University v USA (1969). V roce 1968 získal titul kandidát ekonomických věd.
V roce 1970 byl, podle své autobiografie, nucen opustit vědeckou kariéru a odešel pracovat do Státní banky československé (SBČS), kde se setkal například s ekonomem a pozdějším politikem Janem Stráským. Po roce práce na obvodní pobočce v Praze 1 byl přijat na místo v odboru ekonomicko-matematických výpočtů při ústředí SBČS. V roce 1987 se vrátil k akademické činnosti v ČSAV, a to v jejímPrognostickém ústavu, založeném o dva roky dříve. Petici "Několik vět", kterou signovalo několik pracovníků Prognostického ústavu, nepodepsal.
Osobní život
Klausovou manželkou je Livia Klausová, se kterou má dva syny, Václava (*1969)[3] a Jana (*1974) a pět vnoučat. V mládí hrál na ligové úrovni basketbal, dodnes lyžuje a hraje tenis. Je sběratelem kuriozit, například kravat.[4]
Rodinným zázemím i duchovně je Václav Klaus spřízněn s Církví československou husitskou.[5] Rakouská agentura APA jej v roce 2009označila za člena této církve, a to v souvislosti s tím, že tehdy navrhovanou smlouvu s Vatikánem považoval za příliš výhodnou pro katolickou církev.[6] Jeho osobní vztah s předsedou České biskupské konference arcibiskupem pražským Dominikem Dukou je však velmi dobrý.[7]
V létě 2002 uveřejnil bulvární deník Blesk fotografie Václava Klause s mladou blondýnkou Klárou Lohniskou. [8][9] Tato údajná milostná aféra však Klausův manželský život dlouhodobě neovlivnila.[10] V březnu 2008 se v médiích objevila jména jiných dvou žen, se kterými měl Klaus údajně poměr
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